NOTARIZED - ThoughtCast Magic

Varenummer: 6434
DKK 950,00 / stk
DKK 760,00 ekskl. moms
Forestil dig at du kan få en tilskuers EGEN iPhone til at blive til dit hemmelige "impression device"! Hvad tilskueren skriver eller tegner, overføres i realtid hemmeligt til din egen iPhone eller Apple Watch. Banebrydende ny teknik. Kommer med alt du behøver og udførlig videoinstruktion med opfinderen selv, Benjamin Budzak.

Mere information

  • Turn a borrowed iPhone into your own personal impression pad! You’ll be able to see ANYTHING your spectator writes or draws on THEIR phone - instantly.

    You’ll be able to read minds, perform drawing duplication routines, and LOTS more!

    Here’s how it works. You open the Notes app on THEIR phone and ask them to enter any words or make any drawing - it can really be anything! You know exactly what word they are thinking of - or what image they drew - immediately on their phone.

    Any words that are typed or drawings that are made are secretly viewable on your iPhone or Apple Watch. You can perform many Notarized routines without needing your phone at all! Their phone does all of the work for you.

    Notarized is the closest thing to having a real mind reading device ready at a moment’s notice. It’s simple, clean, and extremely powerful. 

    Each Notarized package you receive from Pegani comes with everything required to begin learning immediately, along with over an hour of in-depth, unrivaled instruction by creator Benjamin Budzak.

    Please note:
    This is ONLY compatible with iPhone and Apple Watch!