BARNLØS - Rune Klan

Varenummer: 5792
DKK 250,00 / stk
DKK 200,00 ekskl. moms
I Danmark ved vi jo godt, at Rune Klan er i verdensklasse noget helt særligt. Med denne video får resten af verden lov til at opleve showet BARNLØS - med engelske undertekster + interview og en gave...

Mere information

  • Her er en Rune Klan pakke lavet specielt til den internationale trylleverden, skabt i samarbejde med Andi Gladwin & Joshua Jay. Den indeholder optagelsen af showet "Barnløs" på Det Kongelige Teater, med engelske undertekster + en times interview OG et helt unikt spil kort med en særlig historie...

    For alle os dedikerede hjemlige fans - og så resten af verden kan forstå, hvorfor vi er så stolte af Rune Klan. Se her hvordan pakken præsenteres i udlandet:

    The greatest magic show you’ve never seen? 

    Rune Klan is a household name in Denmark, and he created a national sensation in 2018 with his stage show, Barnløs, which means “Childless.” It’s a magic show entirely about Rune’s eight-year journey to become a dad. The show chronicles his efforts to conceive, his discovery of being infertile, his unsuccessful attempts to adopt in Denmark, and then his exploration into the world of adopting a child from Africa. The show is at turns hilarious and touching, and it’s filled with original magic that–dare we say–is unlike anything you’ve ever seen.

    What we’re presenting to you is a smooth-as-silk filming of the live production as it toured Denmark’s most prestigious theaters. The show is subtitled so it doesn’t disrupt Rune’s flow in his native Danish. But Rune speaks fluent English, so after the show we recorded a fascinating hour-long interview that ranges from how he develops his material, to how his impressive career has evolved.

    You receive access to the show (which you can stream or download) a stunning, custom deck of cards that celebrates the Barnløs show. The deck is encased in a gorgeous collectible box. 

    Many of you might be asking yourself, “Who is Rune Klan?” For those who don’t know, here’s our case for Rune Klan being among the best magicians alive: Rune is famous in his native Denmark, and every other year he tours with an entirely new two-hour magic show. You read that right: a new full touring magic show every other year. Just completing one show like this in a lifetime is an achievement. When that show is artistically significant, with moments of true originality and feeling, it’s a rare feat. Rune has done this six times in his life.

    Barnløs (Childless) is his crowning achievement, and it’s won all sorts of theatrical awards in Denmark. And to us it represents the future of where magic is headed. This is, quite simply, magic as self-expression. You’ll come out of this show with a deep respect for Rune as a magician, but you’ll also feel like you’ve come on a quirky, at times painful, journey with Rune as a human being. This is essential viewing for any magician who enjoys watching the borderlands of our craft being pushed to new places.

    Show running time: 1 hour 35 minutes
    Interview running time: 1 hour, 5 minutes (no methods are shared during the interview).