CUBE 52 - Craig Petty

Varenummer: 6165
DKK 285,00 / stk
DKK 228,00 ekskl. moms
Med Craig Pettys Cube52 er der pludselig kommet en logisk kobling imellem korttrylleri og Rubik's Cube Magic. Ligesom kuben har 6 sider med 9 felter på hver, har dette kortspil 54 kort i 6 forskellige farver... og så er de mærkede. Spændende muligheder!

Mere information

  • Steven Brundage’s “Cube3” LITERALLY changed the game of Rubik's Cube Magic. 8 years later... Cube52 by Craig Petty is the NEXT evolution.

    Cube52 is an epic 4 Volume project that comes with a totally unique, fully marked deck of cards unlike any other! So what do you get with the Cube52 Project?


    Designed by the incredible Phill Smith, the back design hides an undetectable, yet intuitive marking system. But the faces are solid blocks of color. 6 colors to match those of a Rubik's Cube.

    54 playing cards in a full deck... 54 stickers on a Rubik's Cube. A Rubik's Cube has 6 faces, with 9 colored squares on each face. The Cube52 Deck has 6 color cards. 9 of each. WHY DID NOBODY THINK OF THIS BEFORE?! Because they're not a two-time Thurston Creator of the Year Award Winner... like Craig Petty.

    9 hours of instructions, spread over 4 incredible Volumes, Craig Petty plus some spectacular special guests will guide you step by step as they teach some of the most incredible magic you could ever think of using your Cube52 Deck.

    Volume 1: The Creator
    From the man himself, Craig Petty scratches the surface of some of the most direct yet mind melting tricks you can learn to get you started.

    Volume 2: The Duo
    Kev G and Colin Claus are 2 of the global leading authorities on Rubik's Cube magic. In Volume 2 they both sit down with Craig and teach you tons of creative and wild routines that you can perform with your Cube52 Deck.

    Volume 3: The Mentalist
    THE Peter Nardi. One of the godfathers of Magic. One of the UK's elite mentalists sits down to share 6 incredible mentalism focused routines that are ultra-commercial, easy to do and fooled everyone of the Murphy's Studio team when they watched it.

    Volume 4: The Expert
    For the last volume we return back to Craig to teach you some of the more difficult, expert level routines that can be achieved with Cube52. Serious magic for the serious practitioner.

    The best part; you don't need to know how to solve a Rubik's Cube and for some tricks... you don't even need one!

    Hidden within the hours of instructional content are not just the secrets to tricks, but you'll also learn tricks using a REAL Rubik's cube, advice on how to become a better performer, unlock tips and tricks to allow you invent your own Cube52 routines and so much more.

    Printed by the USPCC on the best quality stock and finish. Not only is the deck marked but it's also made to work in a stack order... but you'll find out more about that in the project.

    Please notice:
    There is NOT a Rubik's Cube NOT INCLUDED. Cube52 is designed to be used with any ungimmicked cube you already own - or borrow your spectator's!

    "Cube52 opens up doors of creativity that were once confined to just 6 sides of a colorful square" This take the Rubix Cube from a puzzle to magic" - Justin Miller

    "The fusion of playing cards and card techniques with the ongoing evolution of Rubik's cube magic is genius. Would I use this..? Try and stop me, it's brilliant.." - Marc Spelmann

    "A fantastic release that oozes the very essence of Craig Petty.Innovative, powerful, commercial. effective material jammed into a mammoth project with something for everyone. Just Brilliant" - Matthew Wright

    Cube52 opens up a whole new world in cube magic. Absolutely Ingenious!" - Henry Harrius