LAP - DaOrtiz, Tamariz, Frisch, Green & more

Varenummer: 4469
DKK 1.395,00 / stk
DKK 1.116,00 ekskl. moms
DVD-box indeholdende 10 timers intensiv undervisning i godt selskab med bl.a. Juan Tamariz, Yann Frisch, Dani DaOrtiz og Lennart Green. Det bliver ikke meget bedre...

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  • Denne DVD-box indeholder 5 skiver med over 10 timers undervisning med nogle af close-up magiens nye og gamle helte: Juan Tamariz, Dani DaOrtiz, Yann Frisch, Miguel Angel Gea, Gene Matsuura, Lennart Green og flere endnu. Det er det mest fyldige materiale der nogensinde er udgivet omkring ”the art of lapping” - kunsten at ”lappe” – altså foretage sig hemmelige ting bag bordet når man tryller siddende. Hver især har dine lærere nogle helt formidable rutiner og teknikker, som du nu kan lære. Se bare indholdet herunder:

    DVD 1 - PHILOSOPHY - Dani DaOrtiz's complete philosophy on the lap, from theoretical to the practical details of the lap. Ideas, techniques, effects and the general use of everything to do with the lap. In the segment called "Perspective," Juan Tamariz shows us his vision of the lap, starting with Slydini and expanding on ideas never published before. 

    DVD 2 - BALTASS - For the first time, Yann Frisch gives us a fully detailed explanation of his Grand Prix FISM act, based on the constant use of the lap as well as many other physical and psychological techniques. Ideas, techniques and construction, everything is explained in detail. In the "Perspective" segment, Lennart Green opens his mind about this powerful weapon called lap, showing coin and card techniques. 

    DVD 3 - TECHNICAL - Yann and Dani discuss ideas, concepts and techniques about lapping switches, lapping actions and retrieving techniques. In the "Perspective" chapter, Miguel Angel Gea talks about his conception in the form of theories, techniques and tricks.

    DVD 4 - PRACTICAL - The most practical part of this work, featuring a live show with twelve effects explained in full detail. Additionally, in the "Perspective" segment, Gabi Pareras shows us his deep conceptions on the lap, covering not only the philosophical, but also the practical.

    DVD 5 - AND MORE - This DVD shows us the world of Yann Frisch and all his fascinations for lapping techniques, presenting almost eighty techniques with a cup and ball, like color changes, transformations, vanishes and appearances. In the "Perspective" chapter, Gene Matsuura unmasked the legend of Slydini, in almost an hour of conversation, in which Slydini is unmasked through stories and techniques.