Rick Smith Jr. er THE MAN inden for kunsten at kaste med kort. Både når det kommer til hastighed, længde og præcision. Han bærer verdensrekorden for at kaste et spillekort 65 meter med en tophastighed på 150 km/t. Rimelig blæret...
Der findes nok ikke den tryllekunstner, der ikke på et eller andet tidspunkt har moret sig med at kaste kort. Nu får du mulighed for at lære den helt rigtige teknik, der gør en kæmpe forskel og på meget kort tid vil gøre dig til en sand ninja inden for feltet. Og det behøver ikke kun at være for sjov i festligt lag. Du lærer også hvordan du kan køre ”kortkastning” til en underholdende og imponerende del af dit show.
Her er menuen for, hvad Rick Smith lærer dig på denne velproducerede DVD:
The hidden technique for throwing with the power to slice and penetrate.
The secret to throwing for speed, distance and accuracy.
How to slice through fruits and vegetables like a Samurai blade.
How to penetrate hard surfaces like crystallized Styrofoam, pumpkins and cardboard.
How to make a card whistle as it cuts through the air.
Trick throwing styles and stunts.
Multiple throwing styles and when to use them.
Safety precautions.
Proposition betting.
How to get a crowd with card throwing.
How create your own card throwing show.
Four NEW single-handed card flicks that eject cards without throwing them.
How to start with no knowledge of card throwing and become deadly fast.
"Thought I was pretty good at card throwing until I saw this video. Can't wait to adjust my technique and up my game to the big leagues."- Gregory Wilson
"I found myself reaching for a deck of cards with every move he taught just so I could try it out." - Jeff Stone
"There isn’t a second on this DVD that isn’t jammed full of useful insights that you’ll use every time you throw cards. If you really wanted to you could build an entire show off the information on this DVD alone. " - William Draven
"There is nothing on the market that teaches card throwing technique like this." - Paul Romhany
"This is THE BEST DVD I've seen on this subject. Period. If you are interested in learning card throwing technique, I can't recommend Velocity enough." - Will Tsai
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