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Er du interesseret i at vide mere om store illusioner og hvordan man bygger dem? I denne nye bog, deler den australske illusionsdes.igner, Chris Murphy, hemmeligheder og udførlige arbejdstegninger bag 7 nye illusioner

Mere information

  • Illusions In Perspective is Chris Murphy's new book of original stage illusion designs.

    Featuring a combination of illusions that Chris has previously built and sold, as well as new designs waiting to be performed for the first time, Illusions In Perspective is also packed full of information to assist you in designing and building your own illusions.

    Chris chose to feature a selection of compact illusions with simple staging requirements because of the demand from working magicians for material that is different and practical. This is material for the real world of modern performing - deceptive illusions with plots which allow for engaging presentations, all while keeping it "in perspective" with a focus on practicality.

    In this book you will find seven original stage illusion designs along with practical illusion building information. These are practical illusions, suited to a variety of performance venues. The plans and descriptions contain an unprecedented level of detail, from the larger cabinetry down to catches, latches and mechanisms.

    Described in Illusions in Perspective are:
    Infiltration - A compact spiker illusion with a unique and diabolical method
    Inviolable - Chris Murphy's original Nest of Boxes
    Crematorium Galorium - A nasty little cremation illusion, without the big fire
    Convergence - An audience volunteer pushes a steel plate through your assistant
    Product-ion - A versatile product production for those corporate gigs
    Afterlife - A fun, and slightly tipsy, spirit cabinet
    Empty Spaces - Chris Murphy's tiny take on the tube illusion

    Along the pages you will also find:
    Hundreds of actual images of the specific illusions featured.
    Hundreds of technical illustrations and diagrams.
    Hundreds of detailed often sequential plans with frequent magnified diagrams highlighting important particulars.

    Chris also provides tips on illusion design and developing your own illusion building workshop.

    Illusions in Perspective is a 200 page, hardbound book printed on beautiful silk finish paper, with an introduction by Las Vegas illusion builder and designer, Tim Clothier.