VIVIFY - Mark Parker

Varenummer: 2758
DKK 950,00 / stk
DKK 760,00 ekskl. moms
Second-hand. STAND: Meget god. 144 sider. Udgivet i 2009. No. 184 of 500 copies.

Mere information

  • Mark Parker satte en ny standard inden for illusionsbøger, da han udgav bestselleren ILLUSION DESIGN. Med denne hans nyeste bog, har han taget et skridt videre.

    VIVIFY beskriver på 142 store sider 10 nye, moderne og originale scene illusioner. Alt bliver forklaret og illustreret i farver, så det er til at forstå (og gå i gang med at bygge selv). Bogen indeholder desuden to interessante essays og et forord af Brett Daniels.

    1. Bodybuilder - A rustic, open framework houses assistant, which is penetrated with shiny metal.
    2. Hiding Place - The instant appearance of an assisant. Can be performed surrounded w/considerations.
    3. 95% Gone! - Volunteer is placed in a horizontal prop, where her body seems to disappear.
    4. EMB - A new take on a classic - sword box.
    5. Asrah Table - An exceptionally thin re-design that will amaze.
    6. Abdomen - A gothic looking illusion, where a girl rises up from the horizontal torso of the magician.
    7. Dissolve - An upright cabinet, where the assistant slowly gets compacted and then vanishes completely.
    8. Vivisectioned - A circular illusion where the assistant is impalled with blades, and then rotated.
    9. Sanction - A slender, upright cabinet that features sharp angled blades that rotate/penetrate the cabinet.
    10. Motorbike - An open metal framework is shown empty and then in a flash produces magi/assistant and motorcycle too!
    * A Cut above the rest.

    Den utroligt smukke bog er trykt i et begrænset oplag på kun 500 eksemplarer, der alle er nummereret og signeret. Et must for den seriøse illusionist og et samlerobjekt for alle, der er interesseret i magisk scenekunst.