LEVIOSA - Joao Miranda & Julio Montoro

Varenummer: 6142
DKK 1.795,00 / stk
DKK 1.436,00 ekskl. moms
To af magiens bedste opfindere står bag denne talk-of-the-town-vanvittige version af Haunted Deck. Hvis ikke du har set afslutningen endnu, så klik og få dig en dejlig magisk wow-oplevelse. Sådan ville det se ud, hvis Harry Potter skulle vise et korttrick... Se også den nye smarte holder.

Mere information

  •  There are dozens of versions of the Haunted Deck, but if the magician had real magic powers, he would perform Leviosa!

    First a card is chosen, signed and returned to the deck.

    Without any suspicious moves and with the magician still, the deck cuts itself in half, projecting the signed card out!

    Then from the floor, the whole deck defies gravity itself, soaring through the air into the magician waiting hand, leaving the audience in a state of unparalleled wonder.

    The best part? Leviosa resets itself. The performer starts and ends 100% clean.

    As soon as the deck flies to the hand, the magician can go ahead and either perform the effect again (people will ask to!), or simply place the deck inside the box and continue the show with absolute freedom.

    There is no clean-up, since it is 100% automatic and 100% self-contained.  A true professionals' dream come true. No wonder why "Leviosa" won the first prize in inventions at the resent Spanish Championship of Magic.

    You'll look like a real-life Harry Potter when you perform Leviosa.

    Leviosa comes ready to use outside the box with the special gimmicks, accessories, USB charger and full video instructions. Available at Pegani matching either red and blue backed Bicycle cards.

    The Leviosa Holder
    Invented by Andrew Hall and designed by Ian Barradell and João Miranda, the Leviosa Deck holder is a must-have accessory for every professional who performs Leviosa. The holder sits in your jacket pocket and ensures that your Leviosa doesn't move and is ready to be taken in the correct position, every time. It also holds a Sharpie, and thanks to its beautiful design, it morphs into a travelling case.


    Will the invisible gimmick break?
    With the motors pre-programmed, the risk of breaking the secret gimmick, assuming the effect is performed correctly, is close to 0. Just relax and see the magic happen by itself.

    How easy it is to perform?
    You just need to push a button and see the magic happen by itself!

    Does Leviosa comes ready to use or do I need to prepare anything?
    It comes ready to use, right out of the box, with no special setup required.

    Most IT effects require a certain hook-up or previous setup. Is Leviosa any different?
    Yes, totally different. João Miranda created a new principle in IT effects where the gimmick is 100% self-contained into the deck of cards. The "setup" is done right in front of the audience eyes. 


    "I've seen so many amazing effects in Blackpool 2023, but my favorite by miles was LEVIOSA. This effect took the haunted deck to a high new level. Thanks so much for creating this." - Laura London

    "When I saw the first part of LEVIOSA I thought it was a really cool trick, but when Julio did the second part it was a slap in my f**king ass." - Markobi