13 STEPS TO MENTALISM (special edition set)

Varenummer: 2732
DKK 795,00 / stk
DKK 636,00 ekskl. moms
Tony Corindas legendariske bog "13 STEPS TO MENTALISM" er kendt som biblen inden for mentalmagien. Nu på som 12 timers video komplet med alt hvad du skal bruge af kort, kurverter, sedler - ja, endda og et "blindfold" og en "billet knife".

Mere information

  • Tony Corindas legendariske bog "13 STEPS TO MENTALISM" er kendt som biblen inden for mentalmagien. Richard Osterlind har fortolket bogen og omsat indholdet til video, hvor han viser udvalgte effekter fra hvert kapitel foran et live-publikum. Derefter gennemgår han sammen med Jim Sisti alle forklaringerne og principperne.

    I alt over 12 timer med klassisk mentalmagi ført op til nutiden. Et "must" for alle med hang til tankelæsning, telekinese og forudsigelser!

    Vi har nu fornøjelsen af at tilbyde denne særlige "13 STEPS PAKKE" komplet med alt hvad du skal bruge af remedier: kort, kuverter, sedler, blindfold - ja, i denne udgave endda også en fin "Billet Knife" i træ!

    .Se indhold og anbefalinger herunder:

    Here are just SOME of the materials you will receive:

    • Specially printed (Gaffed) ESP cards
    • High-quality, techno-color card set
    • Knights tour
    • Deluxe blindfold
    • Ghost deck marker
    • Billets, plus all the secret gimmicks, tools and special materials you need to start performing immediately
    • A a hand-crafted, magnetic, billet knife (letter opener style).

    Here are just SOME of the effects and topics taught:
    • Swami Gimmicks
    • Dartboard Prediction
    • Living and Dead Tests
    • Muscle Reading
    • The Ghost Deck
    • Memory Tests
    • The Magic Square
    • Sightless Vision Act
    • Presentations
    • Q&A act
    • Knight's Tour
    • Simple Card Systems
    • Predictions
    • Billet Knives
    • Pencils
    • Indexes
    • A Million to One Test
    • The Prophesy
    • The Hanging Prediction
    • Mental Masterpiece (Fogel's Newspaper Prediction) Billets
    • The Center Tear
    • Dr. Jaks' Crystal Locket
    • My Word
    • The Missing Link
    • The Crossword Puzzle
    • Mediumistic Stunts
    • The Cold Hand
    • Zarkamorta II
    • Spirit Slates
    • Photo Memory
    • The Incredible Slate Test
    • Blind Coincidence
    • Two Minds
    • Before Your Very Eyes
    • Publicity Stunts
    • Headline Predictions
    • Opening Effects
    • The Sujan Location

    And much, much more!

    "I remember the first time reading 13 Steps to Mentalism and being mind-blown at having a whole world open up to me. I find myself constantly going back to 13 Steps for inspiration all these years later. Murphy's Magic sent me their new 13 Steps box whilst I was in L.A. I was hit with a wave of nostalgia. I was blown away by the teaching on there just like the first time I picked up the book. Every night for a month straight after working on set, I would get back to the hotel and binge watch the material and play with the props. It's a must for any mentalist." - Peter Turner

    "The 13 Steps Special Edition Set has some of the most coveted methods and secrets in all of mentalism. Richard Osterlind is one of the most influential mentalists in the world. Osterlind's vision and subtleties on Corinda's work in this monumental project will not only provide you with a solid foundation to becoming a professional level mentalist, but the direct nature of the material within is a MASTERCLASS in making mind reading entertaining! Plus you get loads of cool shit in the box!!" - Dee Christopher

    "The 13 Steps to Mentalism Special Edition Set is fundamental for anyone that want to get started mentalism, but also for seasoned performers that want to go back to classics in a new light. Richard is a fantastic teacher and the high-quality props & tools included will allow you to perform these routines straight out of the box!" - Luca Volpe

    "The 13 Steps to Mentalism Special Edition Set is an incredible treasure trove of mentalism knowledge. Richard Osterlind's exceptional teaching style coupled with all the secret gimmicks and tools makes this an indispensable fusion of wisdom and entertainment that is an absolute must-see for anyone interested in mentalism." - Joel Dickinson