Mark Elson er forfatter til dette lille hæfte, der har høstet megen opmærksomhed i kredsen af seriøse mentalister. Her får du mulighed for at få nogle super stærke mentale effekter, der kan vises når-som-helst, hvor-som-helst og helt uden rekvisitter! Det er afprøvet og gennemtestet materiale, som virker hver gang!
Tilskuerne vil opleve hvordan du igennem en interessant samtale kan få mystiske og uventede hændelser til at opstå. Måske læser du deres tanker om en film de fornylig har set. Eller du ”hypnotiserer” dem at tabe i et spil, eller du forudsiger hvor mange mønter de har i lommen…
Hæftet forklarer udførligt 9 tricks, der kan vises helt uden rekvisitter og hjælpemidler, men alene ved ordets og tankens kraft.
"Conversations as Mentalism is a collection of impromptu gems that can be used at the drop of a hat. Just the piece with the invisible dice alone is worth the cost of the entire booklet! With just what you carry in your pockets and the knowledge in this booklet, you will be able to perform a whole host of practical material anywhere."- John Carey
“It is my firm belief that the title of this book should be changed to The Essential Handbook of Impromptu Mentalism. The routines taught are all very simple, direct and deeply fooling. This material should be in the arsenal of every modern mentalist! I give it my highest recommendation.”- Michael Murray
“This is Mark's other great release up there with the Meridian Technique. As well as the clever effects and probably more importantly, you're going to learn an attitude which can be used to approach performing in all real world situations."- Colin McLeod