Spørg branchens bedste tankelæsere, hvem der har skabt det mest kreative og imponerende mentalmagi i nyere tid, og et af de første navne du vil støde på, er Barrie Richardson! Curtain Call er Mr. Richardsons tredje store udgivelse om tankelæsning, og indeholder alle detaljer omkring hans professionelle akt.
Bogen indeholder desuden dusinvis af gennemarbejdede tricks, rutiner og værktøjer til mentalisten, samt et helt særligt nummer der altid frembringer stærke følelsesmæssige reaktioner og spontane klapsalver fra publikum.
Barrie Richardson er kendt for at udtænke uløselige mentale mysterier, og en evne til at opnå stærke reaktioner med små virkemidler.
Uanset om du allerede er inkarneret fan, eller om du stifter bekendtskab med Barrie for første gang – hvis du kan lide teatralsk, kommercielt og godt konstrueret mentalmagi – så vil Curtain Call opfylde dine ønsker, og fuldt ud leve op til dine forventninger!
263 siders indbundet guf for mentalisten.
Herunder lidt eksemplar fra indholdet:
- An old key that turns and crawls eerily in the hand. Is it haunted? Is it psychokinesis? The effect meets and exceeds that accomplished by expensive mechanical keys, but uses an ungimmicked key that may be thoroughly examined before and after.
- An ordinary pencil, lying across the open hand levitates in full light. Then, when someone is asked to lift it off the hand, he finds it impossible! Once the magnetic suggestion is removed, the pencil may be effortlessly taken and examined.
- The mentalist writes down a target word. Someone then takes an imaginary stroll through a bookshop, chooses any book, any page and any word. When the word is revealed it proves to be the performer's target word! The person is then asked to concentrate on the mentally chosen page number in the imaginary book - and someone from the audience divines it!
- Incredibly powerful tools for the mentalist are revealed. Among them are some of the most deceptive billet peeks and switches ever published; a new gimmicked envelope that permits the contents to be glimpsed or stolen, yet can be freely handled by spectators; a perfected standing switch of a full deck of cards. All have fooled expert performers as well as the public.