Varenummer: 5826
DKK 395,00 / stk
DKK 316,00 ekskl. moms
David Regal har med "Decision Point" skabt en effekt, hvor dine tilskuere har helt frit valg imellem 7 forskellige symboler - og din forudsigelse alligevel ALTID rammer plet! Stærkt, praktisk og helt uden forcering. Bemærk: fungerer bedst på engelsk.

Mere information

  • "That is a perfect trick." - John Lovick

    "It takes a lot for me to add a new routine to my set, but David Regal’s Decision Point has made the cut." - Seth Kramer


    David Regals "Decision Point" har vi mest taget ind i sortimentet af hensyn til vores engelsktalende kunder, da effekten er skabt så den fungerer bedst på engelsk/amerikansk. Skal du vise det på andre sprog kræver det, at du selv leger lidt med konceptet og udnytter din kreative snilde. Det er arbejdet værd! Se selv videoen og læs den engelske beskrivelse herunder:

    David Regal’s dream has always been to give the audience complete freedom in their choice, but be able to predict it without any funny movements, hesitation, or equivoke. In order to make that dream a reality, he had to create an incredibly direct prediction effect that is completely self-contained inside of a leather wallet. This is Decision Point by David Regal.

    Here’s what happens:

    A performer introduces a wallet that contains 7 symbols printed on large cards. Each of the symbols mean different things to different people but are all very different choices. The spectators are given a completely free selection of any of the symbols, and no matter what they choose the magician is able to reveal that they predicted that choice from the very beginning.

    Decision Point comes with custom-made materials that are as classy as the effect is fooling for your lay audiences. This effect comes ready to go right out of the box, and after you’ve watched the detailed instructions from David Regal you’ll be ready to perform an incredibly direct prediction effect. The included props are at home in a formal show, in a business meeting, or an upscale restaurant. Your audience makes the mental choice, and then you reveal your perfect prediction with Decision Point by David Regal.