PEEKSMITH 3 - Andreas Barthazi

Varenummer: 6256
DKK 1.950,00 / stk
DKK 1.560,00 ekskl. moms
Hvis du er velbevandret i magiske apps og elektronisk mentalmagi, så har du her fundet dine nye bedste ven. Et lille display der hemmeligt kan give dig al den information du behøver. Virker med en lang række apps og udstyr. Klik og bliv klogere...

Mere information

  • PeekSmith 3 is a miniature state-of-the-art electronic peek device like no other in the magic market. Designed by magicians for fellow performers and proudly used for mentalism shows by professionals worldwide such as Colin McLeod, Jan Forster, Jonathan Levit, Shawn Farquhar, Ryan Tricks - just to name a few.

    It enables covert access to information from a variety of sources, including other devices and apps. Equipped with a high-resolution color screen, vibration motor, and intuitive input buttons, this device is a must-have for any serious mentalist.

    It is palmable and also fits in a card box or in the several amazing accessories our partners or we are offering. Having it in your pocket you can peek at it blindfolded or feel the signals from compatible apps and devices.

    Product Benefits
    PeekSmith 3 grants you discreet access to an array of information, including card details, words, pin codes, drawings, and much more. The device's covert capabilities allow you to acquire the secret information you need without raising suspicion, making it the ultimate tool for mentalism. It will elevate your performances and take your routines to the next level by seamlessly integrating with popular magic apps, including but not limited to:

    - Inject 2 by Greg Rostami
    - Pi Revelations by David Penn
    - Cognito by Lloyd Barnes
    - Kinetic Mental Dice by Marc-Antoine
    - New Cypher Pro
    - Picasso Pro by Ellusionist
    - Hydra by Ellusionist
    - Novus by Ellusionist
    - DiceSmith by Benke Smith
    - TimeSmith by Benke Smith
    - CubeSmith by Benke Smith
    - Spotted Dice by András Bártházi
    - Insight by Hugo Shelley
    - Wikitest by Marc Kerstein

    And many more. For the full list, please check here.

    PeekSmith App
    The PeekSmith app is a free companion app for PeekSmith devices (some extra features might need payment). Among its expanding list of capabilities are:

    - a thumper for sending text messages, vibration patterns or card information by an assistant
    - an in-app doodle board with text recognition; you can draw on the screen, or you can use a Labco Mindbuster or Bamboo Slate
    - a Web Thumper, so your assistant can send you messages from the other side of the world
    - other configurable web polling sources to integrate your own sources

    Standalone Mode
    With its standalone mode, it allows for independent operation without the need for a phone. Utilizing Bluetooth connectivity, it can seamlessly connect to other devices such as the Spotted Dice to display roll results, an NFC/RFID reader for card reading, or drawing boards for real-time display of sketches.

    With a dedicated focus on continuous improvement, the firmware is actively under development, adding new features and capabilities with regular firmware updates that can be easily installed.

    Unmatched in its class.
    Join the PeekSmith Facebook community with 2000+ members.