QUANTUM DECK - Craig Petty

Varenummer: 5742
DKK 340,00 / stk
DKK 272,00 ekskl. moms
Det er ikke så ofte det sker. Men der har helt forståeligt været så meget hype om Craig Pettys "Quantum Deck" at den er udsolgt allerede inden den kom på hjemmesiden. Nu er denne stærke effekt endelig på lager igen!

Mere information

  • Vi har kun sjældent oplevet noget lignende. Der har været SÅ meget omtale og hype omkring Craig Pettys CAAN-effekt "Quantum Deck", at den er blevet udsolgt allerede inden den er frigivet...! Nu er den endelig på lager. Tak for tålmodigheden.

    Her får du originalbeskrivelsen og udtalelserne om effekten, der har sat den magiske verden på den anden ende...


    "I have not any idea. Not a ******* clue, dude. That's really, really good... I'm completely floored.."
     - Adam Wilber

    "No clue." - John Bannon


    One double blank deck. One singular playing card, lost within.
    A number is freely named.
    The magician slowly deals down.
    The playing card is exactly at that position.
    Everything is examinable.

    Here's how it works... A SINGLE PREDICTED card (yes, it can be signed by the spectator) really is in multiple locations at entirely the same time. It's at position 10, as much as position 20, or 25, or 31... you get the idea. It's only when the spectator freely names a number that the card is now committed to a single position. This is not just what your spectator's are told, it really is what is happening.

    The most staggering element to all of this; The Quantum Deck is practical. It's a 10/10, solid, worker. Absolutely perfect for table hopping, wedding, style gigs. Brilliant for casual social performances and identical when performed online. And as you'll see in the performances, plays huge on stage!

    Deck is a real double blank deck.
    There really is ONLY ONE, signed card inside.
    Any number can be FREELY named.
    - Instant reset.
    - NO difficult math.

    What you've just read is not the "dream CAAN" that we all wish we could perform; those are the bullet point facts of what the Quantum Deck is and DOES.

    One specially gimmicked Quantum Deck + live performances footage, virtual performances, and stage performances + great explanation covering every aspect + more.


    "Craig Fooled The s*** Out of Me and I loved it." - Brent Braun

    "That is awesome. I've never felt so fooled in my life. I need to start doing this trick right now." - Justin Miller

    "That's awesome!" - Shawn Farquar

    "Right, ok... I've got no idea." - Peter Nardi

    "Yeah, I have absolutely no idea, Craig. That's really, really good." - Marc Oberon