THEATER OF THE MIND - Barrie Richardson

Varenummer: 1254
DKK 595,00 / stk
DKK 476,00 ekskl. moms
Da Barrie Richardsons "Theater of The Mind" udkom tilbage i 1999 var den skelsættende og bogen har siden været højt eftertragtet. Nu er den gudskelov tilbage i et flot genoptryk. 320 sider med mentalmagi (og meget andet godt).

Mere information

  • Da Barrie Richardsons "Theater of The Mind" første gang udkom tilbage i 1999, satte Pegasus' husanmelder, David Lindgreen, bl.a. disse ord på indholdet:

    "Bogen indeholder andet og mere end mentalmagi. Titlen antyder at Barrie Richardsons effekter tit har en drejning, så de betoner den psykologiske manipulation, der får selve tricket til at vokse i tilskuerens forestillingsverden...
    Tre hundrede store, tæt beskrevne sider ligger foran mig, og jeg har for sjov skyld talt trickene. Der er mere end halvtreds rutiner, for det er karakteristisk for bogen, at vi ikke får løsrevne effekter og håndgreb, men færdige rutiner, klar til fremvisning...
    Alt i alt , en bog som jeg med glæde anbefaler enhver tryller - især den helt voksne!"

    Nu er den endelig tilbage i et flot genoptryk. Herunder den originale engelske præsentation:

    Back in 1999, when this stunning book was first published, Barrie Richardson was the recipient of the Psychic Entertainers Association award for creativity.  With over fifty years of professional performance behind him, Barrie Richardson in “Theater of The Mind” gathered 53 of his best mental routines, many with complete presentations, for this large volume of baffling experiences.

    Now so many years later, it still appears fresh and practical and we are so happy to be able to have “Theater of The Mind” back on our shelves.

    In “Theater of the Mind”, you will find page after page, of fresh, practical material, tested and perfected before thousands of audiences; astonishing feats that use only ordinary items, and few of them, entertaining mental experiments that involve the whole audience, that pack small and play big, and that exploit a devilish combination of simplicity and cleverness.

    What you will discover in Theatre Of The Mind is a wealth of professional material at a pauper's price. A 320 page hardbound book with detailed instructions and illustrations!