Varenummer: 5821
DKK 1.590,00 / stk
DKK 1.272,00 ekskl. moms
Craig Petty står bag dette fantastiske møntsæt, hvormed du kan udføre en lang række flotte mønteffekter. Mønterne er lavet i allerbedste kvalitet og leveres med et overflødighedshorn af muligheder. Vælg imellem hel- eller halvdollar størrelse.

Mere information

  •  “Brilliant, fresh, clean, and undeniably POWERFUL MAGIC. That set is so f**king beautiful I’m absolutely blown away” - Justin Miller

    “This set has become part of my EDC. The gaffs are stunning, and the routines are jaw droppingly visual, MCSX has got me excited about coin magic!” - Peter Nardi


    Det er femten år siden, at Craig Petty skabte "The Mirage Coin Set". Også dengang tog det den magiske verden med storm, da det åbnede døren til en lang række nye og vilde møntrutiner - de fleste ganske enkle at udføre (takket være specialmønterne).

    Mens møntsættet har været udsolgt i et årti, har Craig hele tiden beholdt det på sit eget repertoire og undervejs er der kommet nye idéer og finesser til. 

    Nu er sættet tilbage. Produceret af selveste Roy Keuppers i Las Vegas og i langt bedre kvalitet end tidligere. Det er virkelig smukt håndværk og sammen med møntsættet får du - hold dig fast - hele fire timers undervisning i mulighederne! Du behøver selvsagt ikke se alt på en gang. Du kan starte med at lære en rutine eller to, og så glæde dig over alt det du har til gode.

    Investerer du i møntsættet her, behøver du faktisk ikke så meget mere...

    Vælg imellem møntsættet i almindelig halvdollar størrelse eller de større mønter i Eisenhower heldollar størrelse.


    International Reverse Matrix
    This is the effect that fooled everyone at the Magic Circle in London. It’s a super clean matrix that has a killer ending and get this, it’s almost selfworking!

    Finally Flipped
    This effect made everyone say WTF! It’s the most visual coins across you will ever see.

    Silver Switch
    A fantastic easy to do two-coin transpo.

    Hide & Seek Coins
    A killer effect using coins and cards. Each coin travels in turn to appear under the card box with the final coin impossibly appearing in the middle of the deck right on top of the selected card!

    Wild Hanging Coins
    This is Craigs ultra-visual take on a classic in coin magic. One by one three half dollar coins appear at your fingertips. You then turn each one into an old English penny before making it vanish again.

    Mirage Coin Box
    This truly is one of the finest coins to coin box routines we have ever seen! Impossible Coins Across With a mixture of 3 Fly and Coins Across this routine is a perfect in the hand’s routine.

    Two Coin Trick
    A half dollar and old English penny repeatedly vanish and appear under the purse and as a kicker they don’t appear under the purse but as a final kicker they do not appear under the purse but lock away inside!

    UnWholey Hand
    A brilliant coin through hand routine with the final phase happening in your spectators own hands!

    Mirage Coin Through Table
    This must be one of the finest coins through table routines ever. Using the Mirage Coin Set means you are so far ahead before your spectator realises you have even started! We would say this is quite possibly the most visual coins through table ever created! International

    Coins To Purse
    This is a killer bonus routine by Andy Smith One by one a Chinese coin, a half dollar and an old English penny vanish only to appear in the coin purse.

    Caring For Your Coins
    Roy Kueppers gives you all the information you need to keep your Mirage Coin Set in tip top condition.

    Special Bonus
    Peter Nardi is not a coin guy, but this set has had an effect on him that we have never seen before! Not only is he performing some of his favourite Mirage routines, but he has also created some of his very own routines and handlings.


    “The visuals you can create with this beautifully made coins set are truly only limited by your imagination” -John Carey

    “This is the most incredible coin set I have ever seen. Superb visuals and really stunning routines. This should be the coin set that every magician has in their pocket” - Adam Wilber

    “Genius! From complete beginner to sleight master…this is every coin set you will ever need. Precision quality gaffs allowing for some insanely visual magic. Absolutely incredible” - Matthew Wright