Varenummer: 4727
DKK 1.250,00 / stk
DKK 1.000,00 ekskl. moms
Denne DVD-box kan meget vel være den vigtigste udgivelse i 2017. Mange betragter Juan Tamariz som den største nulevende tryllekunstner. Her får du både de klassiske numre + helt nyt materiale.

Mere information

  • "Jeg har begynt å se Tamariz DVD-en, det er noe av det beste som har kommet ut på markedet på veldig, veldig lenge. Det er den første DVDen jeg har kjøpt på mange år, og hvor god den er!" - Allan Hagen

    Hvad enten du allerede er dedikeret Juan Tamariz-fan eller blot videbegærligt vil studere det ypperste inden for magien, så skal du skrive denne DVD-box på ønskesedlen.
    Det er ikke så tit, at der kommer noget materiale fra denne mand, men når der gør, er det altid vigtigt og værd at se og lytte til. Tamariz er måske den største nulevende tryllekunstner vi har, og her får du hele 5 DVD-skiver der spænder over hans kendte og klassiske effekt til noget helt nyt materiale, der aldrig før har været publiceret. Undervejs får du masser af uvurderlige tanker om magi og præsensation. Se blot indholdslisten her:

    DVD I Renovated Classics 
    If you are familiar with Juan's work, maybe you already know the effects in this DVD. But Juan put a twist on the methods that for sure will amaze you! This DVD is packed with Juan Tamariz classics but with new methods and climaxes. This DVD also reveals incredible techniques never published before. 

    • Neither Deaf Nor Stupid (that fools even connoisseurs)
    • New Oil and Water (5 red-black cards)
    • Oil & Water with 3 Shuffles
    • Impromptu Deaf Nor Stupid (New Strong Climax)
    • Impromptu Real Magic
    Techniques Explained:
    • Switch in N
    • Red-Black Preparation
    • Trueba's Pass
    • TPC (New ways to control cards, apparitions, and rising cards)

    DVD II "Exhibition" Deck 
    Juan explains a stack that he has kept secret for years. With this stack, he has amazed magicians all around the world. You will learn many tricks with it -- even a Book Test! The most amazing thing is that you will be able to learn the stack really fast. 

    • Suit and Number
    • To The Highest Card
    • Any Poker Hand
    • Any Suit... Any Effect.
    • Shuffle that Doesn't Shuffle
    • Handling of the Exhibition Deck
    • Controlled Cuts
    • Hofzinser's Culling
    • Half Pass

    DVD's III and IV 
    In the third DVD, you will find tricks with new effects and with mental and visual impact. And in the fourth DVD, Juan Tamariz explains his Color Changing Knife routine and very impressive effects using verbal magic. 

    DVD III Tricks:
    • Partial Divinations, Total Benefit
    • Card's Book Test
    • Twice Book Test
    • Decrypting
    • Imagination
    • Double Sign Cards
    • Three Complementary Shuffles
    • Pentacorte
    • Classic Force
    • About Double Turnover
    • Tenkai Palm
    • Gambler's Palm
    • Deck Switch
    DVD IV Tricks:
    • Double Triumph
    • Wisdom
    • Double Travel
    • GO!
    • Central White Knife
    • Knives Handlings

    DVD V Interview
    In an extraordinary master class, Juan talks for the first time about the deaf technique, perceptive space, his philosophy about the double turnover, and new tips for the TPC. Then Dani DaOrtiz talks with Juan Tamariz about Juan's life and work.