Varenummer: PU404
DKK 2.900,00 / stk
DKK 2.320,00 ekskl. moms
Med denne unikke effekt har Dirk Losander kombineret magi og mentalisme med en svæveeffekt. Du viser en ramme med et portræt af Houdini og under en lille magisk seance både svæver billedet og Houdinis ånd får skrevet et hemmeligt budskab på tavlen... Som ny.

Mere information

  • The Portal is the latest creation by Dirk Losander. It combines two of the highest subjects in Magic, Mentalism and Levitation. The Portal is a new and clever way to predict anything you like: a number, a playing card, a simple drawing or maybe a word. Your imagination is the limit.

    During an amazing levitation, a chalk hanging on a string in front of a chalkboard, starts to write your prediction. You have to see it to believe it. Please watch the YouTube video, but the video is just an example of what you can do.

    The effect does come with a video instruction wish you can watch online or download it to your computer or mobile device.