Varenummer: 6369
DKK 119,00 / stk
DKK 95,20 ekskl. moms
Så lykkedes det endelig Theory11 at få en licensaftale i stand - og her er det... SUPERMAN KORTSPILLET. Med alle de kendte figurer i samme farver og stil som de oprindelige tegneseriehæfter. Kvalieten er helt i top og med en fascinerende detaljegrad.

Mere information

  • Premium playing cards inspired by the Golden Age of Superman comics. Made by Theory11 in America.

    It's Superman
    Inspired by the Golden Age of DC Comics, Superman Playing Cards are a tribute to the first ever superhero, dressed in the classical style of the vintage Action Comics series. Featuring fully custom artwork, premium embossing, and emblazoned with Superman's vibrant colors - each deck is sealed with a postage stamp directly from the mailroom of the Daily Planet.

    The Man of Steel
    The first appearance of Superman was published in Action Comics #1 in 1938. It was this moment that superheroes were born, birthing the Golden Age of comics.Each deck is Made in the USA. "Dedicated to Truth, Justice, and the American Way."

    All of your Favorite Characters
    Your favorite characters are brought to life, including Clark Kent/Superman, Lois Lane, Supergirl, Jor-El, Lara Lor-Van, and Jimmy Olsen - along with iconic villains such as Lex Luthor, Darkseid, General Zod, and Brainiac! We also can't forget his trusty companion Krypto the Superdog, and the trickster Mr. Mxyzptlk!