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Vil du forbedre din optræden som tryllekunstner? Så læs denne bog. Igennem 30 stærkt inspirerende essays, deler forfatteren sine tanker og idéer - og derefter viser han igennem 14 rutiner hvordan de udføres i praksis. Anbefales!

Mere information

  • Denne bog har vi fået anbefalet at tage ind i sortimentet, fra flere forskellige kanter. Det er den længe ventede opfølger til bogen ”Creating Magic Out of Trick”, og det her er noget for alle os, der stræber mod at gøre vores optræden og shows endnu bedre.

    I bogen kommer forfatteren, tryllekunstneren og filosoffen Lawrence Hass ind på en lang række emner med stor betydning for den optrædende magiker. Han deler sine tanker og idéer i 30 korte essays. Bagefter demonstrerer han i praksis hvad han mener, igennem 14 gennemarbejdede og stærkt underholdende rutiner fra sit eget professionelle repertoire.

    Stor, flot og meget inspirerende bog på 360 sider.

    Prøv lige at se, hvad gode folk skriver om bogen…

    “In reading Inspirations, the new book by Dr. Larry Hass, I can't count the number of times I said to myself, "Larry is crazy for giving away this routine!" Really, who would give away such strong, well thought out, killer material for the price of a book?
    I'll tell you who! Someone who cares deeply about the Art of Magic! Someone who wants to elevate the level of Magic. Someone who loves Magic and Magicians, that's who. The tricks in this book are great, but the thinking behind them and the philosophy behind the thinking are even more impressive.
    I congratulate my friend, Dr. Larry! With the publication of Inspirations he has made a significant and long-lasting contribution to our art. This is required reading for the serious student, amateur, and professional.” - Lance Burton

    “Inspirations is Larry Hass's intensely personal and heartfelt journey into the theory and practice of magic. He artfully maps out his vision for great magic, and illustrates his point with practical, thoughtful material. I enjoyed it very much.” - Joshua Jay

    “Larry Hass has become the contemporary Henning Nelms. Inspirations is every bit as essential to today's thinking performers as Nelms's Magic and Showmanship was generations ago. And if you are not interested in improving your performance, the tricks and routines alone are outstanding.” - Mac King

    “Thank you, Larry, for doing so much [in this book] to help raise the intellectual level of our beloved Art of Magic!” - Juan Tamariz

    “Inspirations is a beguiling and thoughtful collection of essays and routines from one of magic's progressive practitioners. - Rob Zabrecky

    "I think Inspirations is a wonderful work of art. It is well written, insightful, and will make your magic better." - John Wilson (Magic Magazine)

    Stadig i tvivl? Så se forfatterens TED talk, på Youtube, her…