REALITY IS MAGIC - Anson Chen & Alex Hansford

Varenummer: 6508
DKK 550,00 / stk
DKK 440,00 ekskl. moms
Virkelig spændende udgivelse med det bedste fra Anson Chens over 20 år lange magiske karriere. Bogen er fantastisk lay-outet af Alex Hansford og i de 224 bogindbundne sider finder du hele 13 rutiner og 7 tankevækkende essays. Læs bare Luke Jermays forord.

Mere information

  • Anson Chen's work here is a celebration of our fascinating journey as magicians and a rare chance to view a world in which “real” magic can exist.

    Written in Hong Kong by Anson Chen, edited in London by Alex Hansford, design direction by THE NEAT REVIEW, linocut artwork from Dr. Will Houstoun, artworking by Scott Black.

    Within these pages you’ll find 13 of the most closely-guarded routines from Anson’s 20+ year magical career. These road-tested effects span everything from close-up magic to parlor magic and even direct, mind-blowing mentalism. Each effect has astounded lay audiences and magicians alike across the globe.

    This instructional book teaches how to:
    - Create a deeper emotional impact with magic
    - Transform tricks into memorable showpieces
    - Develop and integrate original scripts in a way that isn’t robotic
    - Make magic REAL for both your audience & yourself

    Reality is Magic contains 13 original routines and 7 thought-provoking essays in a cloth covered hardback form. 224 pages with black cloth hardback with white foil type. Case bound flush cut with painted page edges. Sewn binding of full-bleed grey paper with monochrome imagery throughout.


    “For me this book is a great gift. In this book you will find beautiful magic, highly effective premises and clever methods. But it also holds challenging but valuable theoretical explorations from a performer who has taken his time. Anson has worked in the real world and diligently explored his own relationship to the mystery arts. His explorations have taken him far from the beaten path but always with the audience experience firmly in mind. He knows great tricks, he knows great methods, and he knows that a great trick with a great method is nothing without a great presentation. All of this is evident in the material you will soon learn.” - Luke Jermay