Varenummer: 6381
DKK 1.500,00 / stk
DKK 1.200,00 ekskl. moms
Fantastisk flot historisk udgivelse, der indeholder en samling af "Goldston Magician's Annuals", udgivet i årene 1907 til 1916. Reproduceret og udgivet i 1990 af Collector's Workshop i blot 300 eksemplarer. Nærmest umulig at opdrive, men vi har nogle ganske få eksemplarer på hylden.

Mere information

  • A hardbound reprint of Goldston's Annuals from 1907 to 1916 as issued by the Collector's Workshop in 1990. Just 300 pieces printed and very hard to find. We happen to have a few pieces in stock (from the original CW inventory) through our connection with Viking Magic.

    This large book contains all 6 volumes with diagrams of clever apparatus, profiles of magicians and more. A quality production throughout! Beautiful hardbound with gold gilt on cover and spine. Hundreds of pages and hundreds of artful illustrations.

    If you find the classic inventions and the history of magic interesting, this is a must-have. This book will not be reproduced.