Itemnumber: proknowsstringkit
DKK 30.00 / pcs
DKK 24.00 ex. VAT
If you do not want to use glue or sticky tape for holding your proknows clown nose in place, this is a great alternative. The strong nylon thread combined with elastic, makes it a secure and almost invisible solution.

More information

  • With this kit you can use your ProKNOWS® without glue or sticky tape.

    Starting on the inside of the nose, thread each piece of monofilament through one of the two tiny holes in each side (if there are no holes, just use a needle). The attached red piece will work as a knot. The monofilament is meant to go across your face so it won't be seen, and then attach to the elastic around the back.

    Tie a knot in each end of the elastic, make a slip knot in the end of the monofilament and slip it over each end of the elastic, using the knot to hold it in place. Adjust the lengt of the monofilament and elastic for custom fit, and you are set to... clown :o)

    Have fun!