Imagine a deck of 12 cards with an astrological sign on each of them... and be able to know the chosen sign without any suspicious movement.
Twelve cards richly illustrated with astrological signs are presented. These cards were made with the aim of creating a real atmosphere, and their design was very careful to create an unforgettable experience. Holes are present to represent the stars so that you can add this poetic side by passing the flash of your phone behind the map and make the constellations shine brightly.
The twelve cards can be freely shuffled by the spectator, and the spectator is invited to choose a card (no forcing). You can constantly stay with your back turned and without ever seeing the chosen card, and yet you'll be able to know it in a split second. You are then free to reveal it in any way you wish.
You can also ask the viewer to choose their own star sign. In this way, you will no longer reveal a chosen sign, but will guess the personal sign of the spectator... reaction guaranteed!
No complex system to memorize and nothing to remember. The cards do all the work allowing you to focus on the presentation. No preparation and immediate reset. Once the secret is known, you won't be able to forget it!
Comes ready to use, along with "translation" card, so you can write the star signs in your own language - might be useful for the presentation and easy translation.