Itemnumber: 5902forcing
DKK 225.00 / pcs
DKK 180.00 ex. VAT
We are now able to offer Two-Way Jumbo Forcing Decks in the JUMBOX® production from Magic Dream. You receive a pack with 26 of the same card + 26 mixed cards. Good quality and the cards are marked! You will need this sooner or later.

More information

  • Magic Dream in Paris is behind the new beautiful jumbo cards, called Jumbox®. The quality is really good and in the same heavy stock as the Bicycle Jumbo Deck was before. Maybe you already bought yourself a Jumbox® Marked Deck that comes with over an hour of video instruction?

    Now we have included these forcing decks in the range. This is a so-called "half-way" deck, where half the deck are identical cards, and the remaining 26 cards are mixed. The deck can be used in all sorts of ways and is of course obvious for forcing a card in a context where it makes sense. 

    Simply leave the 26 identical cards on top of the deck (when it is face down). That way you can carelessly go through the game face up and show that the cards are different (as long as you only show the top half). Then you turn the deck face up, spread out the top half, and have a spectator pick one of the card... Boom. Yes, it can be done that easily. 

    You can of course also prepare the cards in other ways, cut them to make you a giant size "Svengali" deck or use "Rubber Cement" or "Roughing Stick" and make your own "Jumbo Mirage Forcing Deck".

    The back design iscreated by Jean-Charles Briand and called "Grand B-Back" and inside the pattern is hidden the secret marking - in all 4 corners. You can read the value and color at the back in a second - and from a distance of one meter.

    The size is made so that a jumbo card here exactly matches 4 regular poker-sized playing cards: 17.5 x 12.7 cm.. Even if you may not have the need right now, we believe you sooner or later will find use for this deck.

    Have a look at the video for a review of the
    Jumbox® Marked Deck