Turn your head 360 degrees around! This funny illusion was invented by Joe Karson in the ’40s of last century under the name ‘The Rubberneck Illusion’.
It is fit for adult as well as for (older) children shows. Can be done with yourself or with an assistant.
The assistant puts his/her head in a small box on his/her shoulders. The face is seen on the front. It’s a tight fit, with no room to move around or even wiggle her head.
Then the magician grabs the massive handle on the top of the cabinet and twists the crank. The assistant’s head appears to twist completely around several times!
After that, the magician twists her head back in the opposite direction (as to “untwist” it).
Only then can the head twister be put off and the assistant be shown unharmed, with his/ her head back to the normal position!
- You can even perform this illusion surrounded!
- It is super deceptive. NO fake head is used!
- NO mirrors!
- This model is more deceiving because the apparatus falls over the neck of the ‘victim’.
The box measures: 40,5×30,5×30,5 cm.